Come join us, share some ale and stay awhile.
Let's found Arcadia in the theatre,
a rural idyll amongst the city's hubbub.
In the guise of some ragtag band, Uninvited Guests invent fakesongs and fakedances for our green and plastic land. They declaim hip Romantic poetry, conjure epic landscapes and attempt a return to some simpler life, a golden age. They give thanks for what we've got, and offer prayers to make better please, make better.
Commissioned by Nuffield Theatre, Lancaster and Cambridge Junction. A BAC Scratch Commission. Funded by Arts Council England South West and supported by Dartington College of Arts. An Arnolfini We Live Here commission.
Our fifth touring theatre work, It Is Like It Ought To Be: A Pastoral, was first shown as a work-in-progress at Arnolfini in January 2006. The show previewed as part of BAC's BURST festival in May 2006, and premiered at the Nuffield Theatre, Lancaster. It toured nationally in autumn 2006 and spring 2008 and was part of the British Council Edinburgh Showcase 2007. It toured to Beijing and Shanghai in November 2008.
"The latest show from Uninvited Guests is absolutely brilliant. This is a clever, engaging and tightly controlled show with a wild wind roaring through it. The climax is a reminder that we can never tame nature, but it can always make a wilderness of us".
The Guardian ****
Herald Angel Award Winner 2007 *****